Make your dog the best family member possible!

Training Camp

This is a 3 week program where We train your dog for you in our  home environment with children, other dogs and a cat.

The program is designed for your specific families needs from potty training, behavioral issues, basic obedience to advanced  skills.

We teach the skills to your four legged companion and then we bring your pup home and teach you how to maintain the skills taught to your dog.

This is an excellant program for those who do not have the time to train their dog or for a family going on vacation that wants some training instilled while they are out of town.


3 Week Course:  $3000

Includes 2 privates on our property and 1 private in your home, plus free  lifetime obedience group classes for your dog to maintain and fine tune skills as needed. ( See the Advanced Group)

1 week course:  $1100.

Includes 1 private class on our property.

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  • Training Camp Times & Places

    Available throughout the year
    Programs have to be scheduled with trainers prior to drop off.

  • Training Camp Gallery

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